Time Blocking and Homemaking || Time Blocking Planner

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Time Blocking.

Imagine a scenerio in which you sat down to study or do some work. And just 5 minutes into it you remember "Oh! my roommates have been asking me to buy groceries for home for past 3 days" You leave your study/work and start to order groceries. Once done, you think it's a good time to get back to studying.But, as soon as you pick up your pen you realize "Oops! I forgot to send my bank details to my friend". So, you open your messaging app and start to message your friends.But, wait guys. Initially we sat down to STUDY!!!

So We Learn

Demerits of doing multiple things at once.Then, we will discuss a potential solution to this problem  which is a time management and planning technique which is used by a lot of famous folks like Elon Musk and What you saw me doing a little while ago. First, I was studying then I was ordering groceries then I started messaging.You might call it Multitasking.But, if you ask a human behaviour researcher he would say it's a "Wreck".The demerit of multitasking is that our brain is really bad at Task Switching.

Imagine you switch from Task A to Task B.You brain takes all the data of Task A and stores it. Then you work for a while on task B.And come back to task A. Your brain has to then retrieve all the data of Task A back to the working memory.This process is really slow for the brain. Some recent studies also show that multi tasking can be associated to bad grades. And to make it worse,a professor names Clifford Nass says."continuous multitasking...could lead to developing a chronically distracted brain"and focusing on stuff becomes harder for us.You would have understood by now, how bad multitasking could be. To save ourselves from it,we can setup systems which take away the burden of conciously staying focused and help us to do only one task at a time..

One of the ideas That I Suggest You Is

"Time Blocking"

Time Blocking is a time management technique where we divide the time of our day into small blocks and we assign one activity to each block. Let's see how to use timeblocking. Before starting your day take a piece of paper. On that paper towards the left side write down hours of the day. It depends on you at what time you want to start your day. For example 8 in the morning. Then write down hours from 8 to 6.

Time Blocking


Draw a line on the right side of the page. It's basically a column. Now, make boxes in the timeline.And assign one activity to each box. Now, you would ask what is the benefit of making these boxes ?So, folks i want to tell you about "Parkinson's Law"

It states that "Work expands to fill the time allotted for it's completion" You think casually "Okay tomorrow I will do writing"You wake up and start writing.But, because you have not allotted yourself a time to finish the work.You take your work and expand it to your whole day. Instead, if you would have planned beforehand things to do and the time needed for them. For example 2hrs for writing,you could have completed that work in just 2 hours for which you spent a whole day. In a similar fashion, you can assign tasks to each block of the day you created from 8 to 6. Your walks, your lunch, or whatever it is just write it down in the blocks.And fill all the boxes.Now draw an arrow from the box to the right column and write down the specific details of the work.

Time Blocking

Doing all this should take around 10-15mins. As you need to properly think about all the tasks.You have put down everything going in your head on the paper.So, you won't have a rush "Damn! I missed out on something." If you look closely, we assign only 1 task to any block The benefit of this approach is that we can focus on 1 thing at a time. And we are able to do it in the best fashion

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Time Blocking and Homemaking || Time Blocking Planner Time Blocking and Homemaking || Time Blocking Planner Reviewed by Hacker of success on August 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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