Top 14 motivational books || Self Help Book

Top 14 Books.

Motivational books to read motivational || Books for young adults best motivational books || Self money And productivity.
Guys,Today I want to share 14 books to read in 2020. These are books I've chosen from the past decade,
books that are my favorites that have impacted my life and books that I think will impact your life  for the better as well. I've sectioned the books into two categories  to make it easier to navigate.  Self Help ,Money & Productivity .So let's start

Self Help

1-“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.

I've recommended this so many times before because it is such a good book to start with.
It is easy to read, it's not too long.There are four main agreements:

1) Always be impeccable with your word,
2) Don't take anything personally,
3) Don't make assumptions, and
4) Always do your best.

Those four agreements, he goes deep into them and why they're important. And because there's only four,
they're very easy to remember and they're kind of life mantras. I remind myself of them all the time,
and they've made my life a lot easier.

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2-“A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle.

This one is a little more dense and harder to read,but I think it is so important because it teaches you how to recognize and be aware of your own ego, and how to detach yourself from the wants of your ego.
The ego in you is the part that wants more and more and more, the part that will never be satisfied,
the part that gives into fear and all of these things that are not helping you.This book teaches you how to recognize that ego and how to not be a victim to your ego.

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3-“Atomic Habits” by James Clear.

This is the book you want to read if you want to be consistent with your habits this year.It talks about how and why habits are formed,and how you can use that information to make or break any habit that you want.

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4-“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck.

This is the book that's all about the growth mindset: what the growth mindset is, compared to what a fixed mindset is and why you want to have a growth mindset, how it's going to help you in life.So much of why certain people excel and grow over others is because they have a different mindset.This book goes deep into what  makes up a growth mindset
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5-“The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield.

This book is made up of a bunch of lessons,values, and parables on why people are successful.
It has so many success stories. It's one of the first self help books I read and it's such a good book to lay the right foundation for your mindset and your habits moving forward
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6-“The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey.

This is a book that's been on the bestsellers list for decades, so it is a crowd favorite. It is one of those books that everyone should read. The lessons are so smart and they're so impactful, still relevant to this day. Following that, another book you must read is  “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. I used to say “Eckhart Toll-e”, I don't know why. Someone corrected me and said it's “Eckhart TOLL”.Anyway, this book is another classic and it's all about being mindful of the present moment,why it is so important, why the present moment is the only real thing that you have.The past and the future are just illusions in your mind and reading this, understanding this concept on a deep level, will release so much stress and worry from your life.
It will just help you be happier and more joyful in the present moment of your life.
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7-“The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson.

I  recommend  to read this books  because it's so good. This book is about the power of compounding,
the power of compounding effects,compounding your actions, compounding habits.
And the lesson is:If you do a small thing each day,a small little positive thing,the effects will compound over time so that you make big changes.And it's such a powerful lesson that is so key to success.
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8-“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown.

Brené Brown has that Ted talk on vulnerability. She's written so many amazing books since then.
And this book, The Power of Vulnerability is very amazing because it's her giving lectures on vulnerability.And vulnerability is something that people need to talk about more,because once you realize how important  it is to be vulnerable, you develop better relationships in your life.You become more confident in expressing yourself.You also get better at taking risks at being brave,and those are things that you need to be successful and grow in life.

Money & Productivity books.

1-“The Richest Man in Babylon”.

This is a super old book.It might be even like a hundred years old, but it contains stories and - parables really  to teach you how to have a positive money mindset, to be financially literate, to see money in healthier way. This book, I just enjoyed it so much because I enjoy metaphors and stories.I feel like, rather than being a practical book,it's a book that uses stories to really engrain  really valuable lessons in your mind.

2-“You Are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero.

This book is so, so helpful in helping you rewrite your limiting beliefs about money. I felt like my mindset changed so much. It transformed my mindset about money  after reading this book.
I just think it's something that more people should read. We should all be more financially savvy,
financially literate, and just have a healthier money mindset.
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3-“Getting Things Done” by David Allen.

This is a book for you if you need help in productivity, if you have so many things you want to do,
but you don't know what to do first,how to organize your tasks, how to have a system of getting things done.This book helped me just prioritize things.He lays out a system that is so helpful:
What emails to tackle first?
What tasks to tackle first?
It's so helpful for people who are not naturally organized and even if you are relatively organized,you'll learn a lot from the process laid out in this book.
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4-“The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo.

This is one that inspired my whole journey through minimalism and decluttering ,learning This book is applied to physical things,but it can also apply to non-physical things in your life.I put it under the category of productivity because I really feel like you can be more productive when your space is clear,  when you have your life together, and just having this KonMari mindset.
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5-“The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield.

Steven Pressfield is such a great author for creatives. He talks about the war we have as creatives
against resistance, procrastination, whatever that thing is that holds us back from doing our work, from creating, from taking action.So that's what The War of Art is about,and that has helped me just have a stronger mindset in my work, in my career, in creating.

6-“Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Elizabeth Gilbert is one of my favorite writers.This is one of my favorite books, and it just makes you see creativity from such a magical point of view.This book is for everyone, not just people who do creativity for their job, because all humans are creative. She talks about creativity as a hobby, to give you joy, to enhance your life, and it's just an amazing book.The final book in creativity is more of a practical process-type book.
It's “The Artist's Way” by Julia Cameron. This is a book you want to read if you are a creative
and you want to tap deeper into your creativity, because there are journaling prompts, exercises.
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Read another article-3 things which are most common in successful people

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Top 14 motivational books || Self Help Book Top 14 motivational books || Self Help Book Reviewed by Hacker of success on June 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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